Catwalk Supermodel Fashion GODs
Head and shoulders above, the tall poppies of the international fashion catwalks… These are the GlamourOz™ GlamOzons™.
Created, sculpted and produced by internationally renowned Australian artist, Jozef Szekeres, the 16” GlamourOz Dolls™ relaunches the 2003 Elizabet Bizelle™ brand with an entirely new 14 point articulated body sculpt that captures the original 2003 posed doll’s aesthetics of detail, grace and beauty, with a new face sculpt to lead the brand. Also relaunched with new face sculpts, is her sister Kotalin Bizelle, and their two new GlamourOz™ friends, Lucille Lei and Bindi Merinda.
Introducing the first season of GlamourOz Dolls, Fashion Discovery, celebrating the lost 60’s Australian fashions of Stephen Moor.
Now available for preorder.
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GlamourOZ Dolls Teaser
Here's a teaser of the new GlamourOz Dolls body, from our exciting forthcoming relaunch of the Elizabet and Kotalin Bizelle dolls, and friends. For upcoming updates and information, join our mailing list.
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